Tag Archives: fiction

Hot Nerds and “A Maléan Demon”, Second Go

Started this chapter in October...
Started this chapter in October…

And I finished it sometime this morning and published it on Aarinfantasy- I’m not expecting much from there, but until my web protection clears the adult fanfiction forum, that’s pretty much all I can do, but I think I’ve got an untapped demographic.

On yahoo there is a slavery group, where people write a very specific type of slave fiction. I’m on there for the reads, though the stories are mostly horribly slow-going psychological adventures from a first-person view of a slave, mainly in a realistic, modern environment. I can get the draw in that, but I joined the forum, seeing as the group are almost exclusively male, for a bit more smut. Anyway, as for demographics, I posted a few times talking about some stories this week, and the number of views to my wordpress jumped, clicks coming from mainly my yahoo profile. And then there were some guys who wanted me to share my writing with the group. That’s basically what the main image is for.

Awkward hot guy I think I’mma break away from “The Maléan Cages” and work on the rewrite for “Demon” and write my new story on the slave yahoo group. Actually, it’s not think, I will do this.

As you may know, I”m not exactly fond of realistic fiction unless it’s ridiculously well done, or gay, though even that I can’t seem to keep my head on. I have Maurice by E.M. Forster, and though it is written very well, and Forster got his characters throwing shade all over the damn place, I find myself  reading something supernatural in between pages. Even gay kink, it just doesn’t fit well into my mental space.

Still, I managed to think up a plotline to appease the specifics of the slave yahoo group. Here are some general guidelines for the group:

 1. The story is in first-person. I tend to despise first-person in general (though “Demon” and “Gem” are in first-person, I find it hard to like it in my writing or others’)

2. The story is in a slave’s point-of-view most of the time. This feels highly pornographic, like how in porn you see mostly the female’s reaction and body language. In gay pornography, it is more even, which drives me insane. If bottoms in gay porn would just be more vocal, or the top a little more vocal, that would be great. Instead, I end up going to lesbian porn, where it seems like everyone is having a good time- but they tend to fake it more often than not…

3. The government/world condones slavery. This can go all places. As a black female, I’m proud to say that most of the authors I”ve seen are equal opportunity when making up their little universe. The rest tend to view white people as inferior. Crazy, right?

4. The master(s) are very comfortable with keeping slaves. This is the only view that I’m comfortable with.

5. The slave is not comfortable with being slave, and the story hinges on their budding slavehood. Sometimes this is very well-done (as in, men who didn’t want to be slaves still don’t like being slaves at the end of a story) buuuuut most of the time a story descends to a slave becoming some sort of master-stalker-crazy-slut. Bleh.

I haven’t thought of a title, but I’ve gotten the picture above.  I wanted a ‘hot nerd’. Of course, I didn’t really get nerds. I got hot girls and guys wearing glasses. Suddenly, hundreds of pictures through google, I found this guy. He’s some actor, Korean (Choi?), and his picture was titled ‘hot nerd’. I don’t know how he managed to pull off that awkward look (the picture would have been too long, but he’s sitting in a really stiff pose) but it was perfect. Only female ‘hot nerds’ have long hair, but I wanted someone with long, greasy hair. An ‘Ugly Betty’ sort of thing.

Anyway, in a society that condones slavery, some guy looking similar to ‘hot nerd’ (probably someone of mixed race, though) gets caught hacking a database belonging to a company selling popular high-end children’s toys. Lo and behold, he also finds out the company sells weapons to the government. By selling the toys at an overpriced value, the company profits enough to make weapons, which the company uses to tip the government in their favor.

‘Hot nerd’ was intended for neutralization (knowing too much and all that) by the government and most of the company’s shareholders, until one of the biggest holders of the company’s stock decided to make him his slave.

And it goes on from there. It keeps going off from realism, but I’m reining it in.

Somewhat Damien... Add green eyes, black hair.
Somewhat Damien… Add green eyes, black hair.

Same thing is going for “Demon”. Chapter 6 is dominated by Ashekli, which is understandable, though unintended. I have big plans for mostly every character, but Ashekli is one of the bigger ones.

Though I’m learning to draw, I don’t have a scanner, which is a good excuse to not show all of you my poor excuses for executing my characters’ faces. This picture here- Tite Kubo’s Bleach’s Kaname Tousen- is close to what Damien looks like. But Damien has green eyes and black hair. Kubo has the hair about right, but Damien is much thicker bodywise and may be even taller (he’s 7’3″).

It was extremely hard to find pictures for my characters, because they are dark-skinned. And the number of ethnic characters in video games or anime is quite small. Dismally so. You might want to ask, why don’t I just find real people? Well, I don’t know how to find good people who are bursting feeling- like Tousen above, or Elena below. I mainly find models and celebrities, and they don’t give off the right vibes.  Oddly enough, there’s blue-eyed blondes just about everywhere in anime and video games. Although….

This captures one of the essences of Ashekli
This captures one of the essences of Ashekli

Ashekli has blond (hay-colored) hair and blue eyes. Capcom’s Street Fighter’s Elena fits Ashekli the most. Tite Kubo’s Matsumoto has the length and fleshiness of Ashekli’s hair. Elena is a bit too skinny up top and cannot compensate for Ashekli’s hermaphroditic body (well, no one can, so far).

I like this picture very much, for Ashekli is from a rural area famous for warriors, and Elena’s carrying a fucking fish over her shoulder.

Here are some of Ashekli’s quotes from this published chapter:

“Wait… What? Earth? Brekar’s son? Oh, my God! So amazing! Are you serious!” At this moment Ashekli was screaming, inviting odd stares and laughs. “Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh my God! So whatcha doin’? Are you training under him? Is he outta his cave?” He squealed, coming close and nearly slamming his body into mine. “Are you training under Keen Bodesh? Karti Na? Oh! Marikari Tibbith? Saucy stuff that, yea?”

“I wasn’t thinking straight,” Ashekli murmured. “You know how ya panic right before you get on a roller coaster? I’ve only ridden a few but, like, the first couple times, I was like telling me Pa, ‘I can’t do it, I can’t do it’, even though I was working up for it and everythang… Butcha see? Once you’re on the ride, you ain’t gotta worry no more? So why do it?” 

Obviously, Ashekli has an accent and likes to talk. Though he’s proud of his beauty, he doesn’t seem to accept his impressive brawn. He also can’t accept injustice, and has a naive superhero vibe coming from him. This chapter he worms his way into Damien’s heart in various ways, and sets the ball rolling for Damien fulfilling destiny (or something corny along those lines).

Damien’s ‘mother’ Ashelee is from the same village as Ashekli. He doesn’t have an accent when he speaks English (most Maléans don’t), but, unknown to Damien because he’s never heard Ashelee  speak Maléan, Ashelee’s accent is even worse than Ashekli’s.

Ashelee, maybe This Tousen fanart does Ashelee the most justice. This thinner-haired, thin-bodied, vulnerable-seeming Tousen is mostly how Ashelee looks and feels. As a slave of one of the most powerful Maléans on the planet, the target of unrequited obsessive love, and with telepathic abilities, this picture screams Ashelee. Ashelee also wields swords and is extremely prideful (as I remember Tousen being).

I couldn’t find a picture to represent Delgio. He’s a huge, terrifying guy that would be a bad guy ANYWHERE ELSE. He’s really just a bad guy on the good side in my story. Why? Because that’s real life. We have psychopaths we’re not executing, though if they were in any movie, we would cheer for their deaths, but real life and real people do things to you.

The closest to psychopathic beauty I can represent Delgio with is Scar. Yes, the jealous bro’ from “The Lion King”. He’s also the reason why having green eyes (and the color green) is such a big thing on Malé.

Okay- just took a break to look up ‘hot scary anime male’. I got something close to Delgio Kar.

Delgio Kar

This is a pretty solid representation, down to the damn fangs. Unless you know who this guy is (which would probably break the spell), the feeling you have right now after seeing that picture would probably be similar to how you would feel after meeting Delgio Kar, on a nice day. Of course, Delgio is dark-skinned, and has green eyes and dreadlocks, but this, this came out of no where, and I’m glad I found it.

Now, imagine Delgio on a bad day, and he gets mad at you. His eyes turn to these:

black eyes delgio Without the tattoo thingy coming out, though.

So between, anime-influenced people in “A Maléan Demon”, and a ‘realistic’ piece of fiction…


“Omega Testing”, I have a good source of writing material. Plus, I need to catch up with 642!

At Home

After quite a battle back and forth between depression and mania, I find myself having withdrawn from all my classes and at home, having just put the baby to sleep. I have not an ounce of work to worry about, but the bed bugs and lack of food has me worried. I have my games, and writing, and books- but a piece of me dies, or at least hibernates, whenever I’m not at school.

I feel like a failure. A complete and utter failure of all things. I’ve been playing a lot of games and reading, but what I really want is recognition on my writing. Well, not recognition per se, more like constructive criticism. I wonder if I wrote in detail just how much I really think about all my stories, would people be more interested, or will someone suggest I go back to the psyche ward?

Anyway, I’m rewriting a Maléan Demon and have added a new chapter to Maléan Cages. I have urges to complete a couple of short stories in the work, but I am feeling more along the lines that everything is for naught, i.e. depressed. I hate feeling this way, but what else am I to do? There’s few out that have the time or patience or interest… and if they did, they wouldn’t spend such precious materials on me



Yea… Yea, that’s still fun.

Writing on a Person in front of a Delicious Tuna Sandwich

There we go! A concept plus a location- Yes, I like that very much.

I’m in a writing class where we critique each other’s writing nearly every class. While some other people are getting tired of reading stories, and how certain writings are starting to blend together, I’m getting more and more enamored with the style of other people’s writing and the way of critiquing. Plus, I quite enjoy having my own material read and getting immediate feedback (I’m a sorry sucker for instant gratification).

Unfortunately, there seems to be a few common pitfalls in critiquing.

1) Confusing a mistake on your part with an author’s bad writing: So basically, what happens in class is that a student asks for the author to change something or another because they couldn’t understand it. This will be great, especially for realistic writers, when they aren’t trying to befuddle the reader. And there are plot holes and incongruity with certain themes and characters that the author wasn’t aware of and wouldn’t care for. However, more often than not, the reader has misread something or wasn’t reading closely enough. I am perhaps equating ‘make this clearer’ with ‘dumb this down’. I tend to like to be held from the truth, a little bit of mystery, or the author pointing a vague path that I will have to tread on my own- I feel it says something of my intelligence and is bred from respect. Once you get rid of that, I feel as if someone is holding my hand.

2) Trying to make a piece perfect: I can’t count the number of times someone has said “I really like this part, but I think it can be better”. Of course, writing can always be better, but giving this sort of advice so the author can attempt some sort of ideal, especially one that is the product of your own mind, is feeding a OCD part of the mind that can really, really, truly mess a writer up. Note that this isn’t merely ‘don’t correct them’; it’s ‘overcorrecting them’. What if your grandmother baked a cake; you loved it; she asks your opinion and you say, “Oh! It was delicious!” and then “It could be sweeter, though.” For me, it’s like you’re on the edge of perfection. At the same time, very much near too sweet. With writing, readers would find it obvious you are ‘trying too hard’.

3)Trying to get the author to write like you: I’ve done this. I’m a pretty open-minded writer (this isn’t just me tootin’; people have told me), but there are borderline pieces that I’m just not interested in and so I say something that I recognize later- that isn’t what that author was going for! How terrible of me! In these cases, the reader fails to put him or herself in the author’s shoes and doesn’t try to peel apart the psychology not only of the piece, but of the author as well. That is the great magic of reading and writing, I think, to spread such ideas. (Of course, you probably already know this).

I once had a teacher who said that it doesn’t matter what the author intended, but it is what you finally feel. I disagree. I can’t trust a reader who doesn’t have me in mind. In that class, he was talking particularly about William Shakespeare and Emily Dickinson. He said not to reference them in our essays because, quite frankly, they’re dead and they wouldn’t care. But I can’t fathom how we can have a so-called accurate reading, or even a wrong reading, if we don’t see the writing in the frame of the author’s mind?

But that’s exactly what happens in writing class: students (including myself) try to fit a story into our own frame of mind. With a critique, a criticism is thinly veiling “I don’t really like this. Can you change what you meant and your effects or affections and your opinions and your style so that I can like it better?” How would you feel if we took this further- “Hey, Shakespeare’s writing is awesome. would be great if he wrote a detective novel sometime!” Yea, because that’s Shakespeare.

4) Failing to realize character: This is where the title of this post comes from and will lead to the second part of this post. When there happens to be a lot of dialogue in a text, or when a piece is particularly character-driven, this critique is ripe for the picking. Something about a character seems off. Sure, there may something strange about a character that the author did not intend, but, especially in my class, when there is a teenager, this person has to be the perfect teenager (but throw in something special, but nothing too special- perfection comes in here too), if there is a male adult, have him be the perfect male (but not cliche!), if there is a doctor, we have to recognize every detail of them to be a doctor (but don’t hit us over the head with it). See where I’m going with this?

This actually happens quite often in all critiques of characters. Nobody wants a cookie-cutter stereotype or someone boring- but at the same time, numerous times, numberless times, people reference these cookie-cutters to justify a critique, not realizing that people and characters come in all shape and sizes. For example, in class, there’s a piece a writing that starts off with two freshmen high-schoolers talking about girls. One guy teases the other guy about how he’s never even spoken to a girl, and then they go on to talk about how kissing someone might be gross. Later on, they argue and get angry with one another, and they start cursing a lot.

Most of the class complained how they weren’t acting like high schoolers, more like middle schoolers. At most I would grant these two guys are fourteen years old, so I was like… What? These guys are in their second year of adolescence and you think they are too immature on those criteria?

It baffled me more when my fellow peers, most of then no older than eighteen, kept referring to the two characters as kids. Constantly. This is my fourth year in college, so a lot of my friends call these freshmen ‘kids’, and my friends, as well, believe that some of the freshmen are ‘too immature’. What I’m trying to piece out is, how can you have such a fixation on the age of a person, refer to them based on their age, and have some absurd expectations based on their age that goes beyond your fixation. I’m having trouble thinking of an example… Ah, Fright Fest at Six Flags. We call it Fright Fest, constantly. Then we finally hear about Fright Fest from a person’s mouth and then we respond reprovingly, “You made it sound too scary.” How can you call something “Fright Fest” or someone “a kid” and then frown at how they fit your description of them?

But mainly, in the particular example of the two high schoolers, I don’t think my peers remember much about ninth grade. At least two of them remarked how they ‘didn’t act like that’ when they were fourteen, and there were multiple nods of agreement. Here, it is also blatant how they are ignoring character. The people in a story aren’t you or any of the people you know.

The pitfalls above are just  a few of many. However, ascertaining these characteristics of critiques has me trying to work around them without changing too much of myself.


I’m writing another chapter for Malé, and Kaaliya is supposed to be enjoying himself in the most physically sensual sense with his new lover Thana. All of a sudden a dilemma arises, a dilemma that I had never dreamed of and, quite frankly, I want to ignore it for the time being, because I want to write something more physical. Kaaliya refuses, and I ended up having to work around it.

That’s what happens when a story is already in your head and you start writing the details. I can tell I’m at a writer’s block when my character stops thinking for itself and I have to think of things for it to do instead writing of the things it does.

Sometimes a character that has nothing to do with the story I’m writing appears in my mind and starts shouting about what they want and how they are going to do it and how I have to write about it that very instant. This happens a lot when I’m doing homework or studying- “Oh, you’re working? How about you write about this adventure I had down by the river? No? Are you sure? Come on, take a break. I’m a hermaphrodite with a spanking fetish! I just met a guy who was going to fulfill all my needs. He was bathing in the water- yea, I got your attention now, don’t I? How about how I’m pregnant from another man, who isn’t giving me what I want? Yep, you’re sold, aren’t you? Alright, here’s how it went-”

Asshole characters.

Under “The Challenge of Existentialism”

Another book- it’s above me and it’s by a guy named John Wild. Copyright 1955. I like existentialism; it’s fun~

But that’s not the meat of my entry today. I’m publishing a new chapter of “The Maléan Cages” . Sadly, it doesn’t have sex, but it has violent, angst-ridden men, and that should be good, right? Right? Right.

This chapter introduces five characters out of the twenty main ones through whose POVs we will look to see the plot develop. They are Manchu Wei (my least favorite character), Tomakazu Akihito (one of my favorites), Miguel Rocha (a middle-high character on my favorites list), Chal Bowman (middle-low), and Mink Lightfoot (middle-high, but lower than Miguel). Ironically enough, Wei is behaving the most in my mind, while Chal isn’t. I thought that Wei would become more likable, but I’m doing well keeping him in-character (for me anyway, haha)

Chal is changing. Stop it, you. Not yet! Or else I’ll have to do bad things to you to regress your development- do you want that? Yep, that’s exactly how it goes.

I’m also here to answer reviews from the last chapter! Yay!

Detrix 2012-10-06
I like it…..but I like all your Malean stories so I’ll keep reading if you keep writing.

Aw, thanks! I like the idea that people like the “Maléan stories”. I don’t know why… It just feels so professional! XD

Nivell 2012-10-06
Well, I’m glad to see another Malean story from you! I enjoyed Dante’s story but the last few chapters made my head spin from the introduction of so many characters. Please please please don’t torture the Kliwers in this one..I still get nightmares thinking about that poor Kliwer getting eaten by the blood traders. ;_;

I’m glad you’re glad, haha. Sorry, sorry, sorry about the end of Gem. I’m introducing people more carefully now. And though there are more people, a lot more people, the roster is rigid! And… um… ;___; That’s part of the society… Just like we have our bad stuff on Earth, they have their super-bad stuff. I’m sorry! The next chapter may be a bit edgy for you. No one gets eaten but…

meg 2012-10-07
love it want more please

Thanks! I hope you like the rest!

ILoveWyatt 2012-10-08
I love this story so much!

Cant wait for more!

So glad I can count on you! XD


The next chapter will introduce five new characters, three of which whose storylines are absolutely awesome. Why did I just write that as if I didn’t write the storyline?






At the table in the common room

I wanted to take this time to reply to the reviews from the end of A Maléan Gem”. And then to explain my weird tags for this post.

Everywhere und Nowhere 2012-09-28
I hate to complain or naysay, but that last chapter felt rushed. you mentioned you had written more but deemed it unneccesary. i think it may have helped. I havnt had any problems with your writing style, but there were several sections on this chapter I needed to reread in order to grasp properly, and I feel more elaboration could have been done for the parents. They were long awaited from the last chapter, and it still feels…anticlimatic to explain them.

Very much looking forward to your next piece and hope you dont misunderstand my criticism. I LOVE your stories.

Well, that looks cool. I just wanted to copy the text but this is far better. Anywho…Please complain and naysay. I love to write better. Right now, I’m in a writing class and have recently had a piece reviewed where mostly everyone had the exact same constructive criticism. Too many characters, and felt rushed- even the needing to reread and needed more elaboration. I felt the anticlimacticness as well. I was disappointed, but I didn’t want to bombard the reader… but they had been waiting for a while XD I will add more chapters to “Gem” as time goes on. Epilogues out the ears they will be.

I feel this may be a problem for “Cages”. I have a lot of characters; I wonder if I can count on you for when things feel too slow or too fast? :p

ILoveWyatt 2012-09-29
I loved this story so much!

Sorry for not reviewing those other few chapters. I just didn’t know that you updated the story.

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! :D Don’t worry about it. You were one of the few who consistently reviewed, even if it was the same phrase or same type or whatever. You knew what it meant to me and you decided to help me feel it nearly every time I posted a chapter. Thank you. I have your email, and I’ve been emailing… Is the trunks thing still your email?

Thanks to all who reviewed “Gem”: ILoveWyatt (YAY!), Everywhere und Nowhere, nivell (alot), sunni, myrt(alot), Sunao Tsuji (some?), sierra, Silver (maybe!), kylee (alot), emz, Mick, Mina, DoeEyedSamurai, tj, Plume angelique, MoonChakra, Mikki Senpai (:DDDD), Aromanight, Roseykins (alot), BijouDuMon, mizuki, Funeral Roses, Vivi, Melsa, anxiouslyawaitingupdate, MustLove_PrettyBoys, James, Anon(s), bunnicle, blueskies, kissedbymidnight (alot), js (tj?), lividfire, Mahou Makai, and sardo.

So, around 36 people made their feelings known. Thank you so much; it’s really picked me up over the time of writing Gem. With you guys’ help there are 113 reviews and 16,555 hits so far. Thank you, thank you.


Malé is about hermaphrodites with, and this is largely generalized (like when we say the human race is selfish when there is a large range of selfishness among the 7 billion plus humans on Earth), what Earthlings mostly identify as male. That’s why I call it mpreg and put slash, gay, and malexmale.

But this has been bothering me. Calling these hermaphrodites ‘he’ and ‘him’ and having ‘his’ things. It’s not like a planet doesn’t need females or something. There are actually characters that I had to constantly correct from calling them ‘she’ and giving ‘her’ ‘her’ right pronoun- Ashelee and Omni, for example. Because hermaphrodites, from what I read and heard from hermaphrodites that identify themselves as such- It’s not just being neither or both staple genders, or, sometimes, it’s absolutely not being neither or both, it’s being something completely different, a completely different gender, and I’m more on line with that.

But the fact that they have penises make people call them ‘he’, when in fact only ‘she’ can give birth, and they can do that too. Every last one of them. But I tried writing a story using only gender neutral words or pronouns that envision both sexes (which, as I said before, is sometimes an absolute no-no). For the latter, the problem above arose. Gender neutral mode made for weird sex scenes and not very good first-person, so I opted for just using ‘he’, which leads me to put malexmale, gay, yaoi, slash, and mPreg- though they are hermaphrodites.

Obviously, we have been equipped to being stuck to social norms of giving mostly everyone a specific gender out of two. It kind of sucks for those who feel in between either physically or mentally. Mentally, for myself, though my high libido and hairiness might be proving the other as well. I’m not saying I’m undecided or anything, but I am saying that I have desires and physical features that most people identify with males. I’m pansexual to a painful degree, so as that I have so many options for people that I can’t choose just one, or I can’t find anyone who is willing to share, lol.

A friend of mine, who really likes (not consciously, of course) to categorize gender, especially of the male kind, says, what’s wrong with a girl liking guy things or being more like a guy?

Well, of course, when one attributes my liking games or pornography as a male thing when I am physically completely and utterly female, or when one attributes unlikable male qualities to the definition of maleness, when a large part of me is identifying with maleness, well, it makes me feel guilty. Or when someone says I am strong like a guy? No! I’m strong like a girl! I am a female, that’s as strong as I will ever be.

And so when I attribute male emotions or physicality to these hermaphrodites, I feel like I’m doing them a disservice. I do my best to be gender neutral other than addressing, but sometimes I have to be careful to not fall in the trap of categorizing them too much.

Just to let everyone know, they have wide hips and breast like female Earthlings. If it ever has an animated feature or drawings, I will add that. It’s important. And they aren’t dickgirls!

Futanari was originally for hermaphrodites in the Japanese language but has become fetishistic dickgirls. Well, you might say that futanari identifies with females and Maléans identify with males- promising argument. However, my hermaphrodites are aliens that have been categorized (by myself and any others) and  we/they are largely aware of the ambiguity and complexity. Futanari girls, if you haven’t seen any hentai material, is largely a girl who finds herself with a dick without much dilemma other than really good sex. Plus, you can see how my personal problems is seeping largely into my made-up world, while futanari girls (and I have to say girls because it is hardly the other way around- mainly because guys already have both penises and anuses) are fap material- they hardly fuck guys but other futanari girls. Not the same.

Well, then, why have Maléans with breasts? Evolution, my dears. In the beginning years of human life on the planet, they needed some way to feed their young. But these people have evolved enough to get rid of breasts and just grow more quickly inside the womb. But the breasts still remain like appendixes and gall bladders.

Now, I’m off to write a real essay XD

On a chair in my dorm

So, I posted the first chapter of “The  Maléan Cages” on adultfanfiction: http://original.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600105706  , last night. It’s one of those long fantasy stories with a lot of characters, but I have it organized in what some people may think as a lazy way. It’s not a surprise or anything, so here goes: Each of the twenty will have their own section of a five-section chapter, so every five chapters we cover all of the twenty. I say five because someone goes twice, in an interlude chapter, that says what happens on Pluck. I’m trying to get it so that everyone gets a fair share, but, hey, life isn’t fair, and some are going to have it a lot easier than others. So, I may grant myself exclusion from this endeavor (though I’ve been doing pretty well so far)

I have done the outlines for “Cages” and the character development, and the plots on the macro level, and now plots of the micro level, the chapter-by-chapter basis. That is where things get tricky. With twenty different characters, it might seem like a lot, but if you’ve read any of my stories (probably, if you’re following me on WordPress, you haven’t, lol- who are you people? Thanks for following!) I’ve always had a lot of people, and I tend to follow pretty well. And with the dump of notes of have for “Cages”, it’s unlikely I’ll get lost.

I have ten or twelve chapters ready for publishing. But I’ll be patient and wait until next week to reply to reviews and post another chapter. Since last night, I’ve had (last time I checked) 223 views. Do you know how happy that makes me?


Also, there are people following my blog. I don’t think I know any of you, but thanks for following. I can’t find who is following because I just use this to post the… tag-related things… but I do get emails. Hopefully, readers of my stories will also follow me and see what’s up!

And now breakfast. I’ve realized that writing words is not the same as eating food. Oh, well.

In Krieger Lab

I’m back. I’m not continuing any of my fanfiction. Well, more like, I’m on a long hiatus. Now, I have published my original fiction- the Maléan stories- in response to the Gorean chronicles. They are tales of hermaphrodite aliens- beings able to impregnate and get pregnant- who look like women mostly when their clothes are on, and men when their clothes are off. Face and body shape wise, they seem girly, while they have penises. I can go on and on about their looks, and they still have remarkably different features like we Earthlings have, but I’ll stop there.

It isn’t a futanari story or anything like that; it’s pretty much action/adventure/erotica/romance with a large flavoring of the life we live now. First was “A Maléan Demon” which went pretty well. I just finished ” A ~ Gem” which did three times as well (got 3x as many hits), and soon I will have “~ Cages” which will be suuuuuuper long (and the other two stories are already novel-length, much to my surprise when one of my friends pointed it out).

I know, you might be wondering- Finished? Shinashi finished something?

I sure did. Malé is something that has stuck and will stick probably until I fail too much at getting it published, but, for now, I genuinely okay with just getting hits!

The Beginning?

An original piece of fiction!? Never in my life! I mean, I’ve tried writing some several times but they never took off, you know? This one is going through my mind like a speeding car, I just can’t seem to catch up unless I write it down. So I’mma try to write it down and maybe…. Maybe I’ll publish it, but, as usual, I don’t think anyone would like it all that much. I mean, who out there actually reviews the stuff they read anymore? Or maybe everyone is trying to write, that’s the problem, lol.

-Seasons are nonexistent, the weather is told by the stars (astrology)

-Countries, states, cities etc. are all mixed up. For example, Tokyo is near Paris where Nashville, Tennessee is, which explains the whereabouts of Li Riyuu, Didier Roberts, and Cervantes Bloom.


(1)Damien Bloom+= School (Nashville) Arc: A demon prince working to restore his power over his kingdom in Hell. he needs toen souls to make a deal with a stronger devil.

He gets a list only of names, and has to use expensive or otherwise costly ways to get them together.

At first he only fucks them, pretends to be concerned for their worries

As time goes by, he begins to like the boys, especially Lilihan.

Past:      His mother has died recently.

Being a distant relative of Satan, he grew up living a royal life, used to all the power, money, sex and whatever else he fancied. He inherited all sorts of gems, magical artifiacts, and gizmos from the father he killed when younger. He was told by his mother to do this. . He has kept these devices in order to find his five.


Chaos (Bloom): Beast Damien keeps on a leash.

Toki Roberts: African messenger for Damien, helps finds the others, particularly Dante

You see, I may be way over my head. I need to let this stew for a while.